Website builder.
Silverstripe developer.
I specialise in the development of bespoke websites and web applications. I work as a contract developer and consultant for design agencies and government and direct to clients as a project manager, designer and developer.
I am based in Gisborne, NZ and work with government and private clients and agencies throughout New Zealand and internationally.
I predominantly work with the Silverstripe CMS, I have around fifteen years experience developing on the platform - including on the Government's CWP.
On this site are some examples of the kind of website work that I do. Some of these are for my own clients and some freelancing for design agencies.
If you have an interesting project that you'd like some advice on please get in touch:
Altus Cathode
Smart Digital | Altus
Working with the team at Smart Digital and designer Luke McArthur we built this new invite only multi-lingual site for Altus Industrial Aluminium.
SWAIS2C Antarctic Project
GNS Science
SWAIS2C aims to determine just how much the West Antarctic Ice Sheet melted during the last interglacial and other past times when climate was warmer than present. We gave this Antarctic project site a good freshen up and made it a lot easier to manage and maintain from the ice!
Sunrise Foundation
Sunrise Foundation
Sunrise Foundation has been connecting generous people with causes that matter in the Gisborne-Tairāwhiti region since 2014. Working with the great team at Sunrise Foundation, and talented designer Luke McArthur, we put together this great new site to showcase everything that Sunrise does in the community.
Citycare Property
Citycare Property
Citycare Property is nationwide business that employs more than 900 kaimahi at nine locations throughout New Zealand, delivering services for social infrastructure assets.
Working with user experience designer Graham Howe, I rebuilt the Citycare site to bring their stories to the fore, and give clients a snapshot of who the company is and what they do.
Smart Digital | SmartVent
Working with the team at SmartVent and digital media agency Smart Media, I developed this new ecommerce site for the experts in continuous home ventilation.
Gisborne Fisheries
Gisborne Fisheries
Gisborne Fisheries is a local icon - providing superb fresh fish for over 70 years.
This, their first website presence, features fantastic imagery of the sea, their history and great fresh product. Design by the talented Mr Wayno Crosby.
BRANZ Artisan
True. | BRANZ
Working with the talented folks at True Creative & Design Agency, I redeveloped this site for the BRANZ Artisan app - a tool which helps builders and consent authorities to work together in a smarter way.
Smartmouth Consultants
I worked with the creative team at Smartmouth to design and build this, their first website. Smartmouth Consultants offer communications services and have done an amazing variety of work for small, medium and large food companies.
Eastland Generation
Eastland Group
Working with the team at Eastland Group, I revamped this site for Eastland Generation.
Logic FSL
Logic FSL
I first built a site for Logic back in 2006! Over the years there have been a few updates, and the company has grown and changed. This new site, crafted by talented local designer Susanne Effmann, showcases Logic's broad range of forestry services and sets them up for the future in a rapidly changing industry.
Tapuwae Tairāwhiti Trails
Tairawhiti Trails Trust
Tapuwae Tairāwhiti Trails is dedicated to creating a network of sustainable trails for cycling, walking and running in the Tairāwhiti region. Working with the Tairāwhiti Trails Trust I helped to bring this site to life, building on the brand story developed by Morley Design Group and Lardelli Arts.
MoE Curriculum Timelines
Mark Creative | Ministry of Education
I worked with Wellington agency Mark Creative on this animated timeline project for Ministry of Education.
Environmental Health Indicators New Zealand
Massey University, EHINZ
EHINZ monitors and reports on how the environment affects the health of the NZ human and animal populations. I worked with EHINZ to redevelop their site.
Eastland Port
Mark Creative | Eastland Group
Working with the team at Eastland Group and creative agency Mark Creative, I revamped this site for Eastland Port.
New Zealand Productivity Commission
Mark Creative | NZ Productivity Commission
NZ Productivity Commission provides advice to the Government on improving productivity in a way that is directed to supporting the overall well-being of New Zealanders. I worked with Wellington agency Mark Creative to redevelop this government site.
Gisborne Airport
Mark Creative | Eastland Group
Working with the team at Eastland Group and creative agency Mark Creative, I revamped this site for Gisborne's new airport.
Eastland Network
Mark Creative | Eastland Group
Working with the team at Eastland Group and creative agency Mark Creative, I revamped this site for local infrastructure company Eastland Network.
Judicial Pacific Participation Fund
Mark Creative | JPPF, Ministry of Justice
JPPF is a professional development initiative supported by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Ministry of Justice, aimed at providing development opportunities and activities for judges, judicial officers and court officers throughout the Pacific.
Black Fig Catering
Black Fig
A rebuild of Black Figs' shopify website, working with talented local illustrator Holly Quinn
Pacific Justice Sector Programme
Mark Creative, The Hive Creative | Ministry of Justice
I worked with Te Kura Kaiwhakawā, PJSP, Ministry of Justice, Mark Creative and The Hive Creative to develop this transitional website.
Port Taranaki
Smokey Lemon | Port Taranaki
Working with Taranakai agency SmokeyLemon, I developed this new site for Port Taranaki - The West Gate.
HB Williams Memorial Library
Gisborne District Council
Working with UX guy Graham Howe, I developed this new website for Gisborne's Public Library based on the Governments Common Web Platform.
Integrity Town
Mark Creative | Office of the Auditor-General
Working with Office of the Auditor General and Mark Creative, I developed this series of interactive quizzes for educating public servants on various aspects of good practice.
Measurement in Daily Life
Mark Creative | Measurement Standards NZ
Working with the Measurement Standards Laboratory/Callaghan Innovation and Mark Creative, I developed this interactive mini-site to showcase the various types of measurement standards undertaken by MSL.
MITO Get Ahead
Little Giant | MITO
Working with MITO and Auckland digital agency Little Giant, I put together this campaign site to help MITO get young people interested in apprenticeships in the automotive industry.
Utilities Disputes
Mark Creative | Utilities Disputes
Working with Wellington agency MarkCreative I developed this microsite to support a campaign to inform and educate consumers about the Utilities Disputes service.
Whangara Farms
Whangara Farms
Sustainably farming on the East Coast, Whangara Farms produce the very best beef, lamb and wool possible, while looking after both their people and beautiful natural environment.
Hayes Metals
Intuit Creative | Hayes Metals
Hayes Metals is a leading Australasian ingot manufacturer and metal merchant based in Auckland. I worked with Auckland agency Intuit Creative to develop Hayes new site.
Surtees Boats
Surtees Boats
Working with the team at Surtees Boats, we are developing a range of new features to enhance the boat purchasing experience for customers and streamlining the back office systems for staff and boat dealers.
Civil Project Solutions
Civil project Solutions
We built CPS's first site in 2015. Since then they have grown significantly and needed a new web presence to showcase their enhanced capabilities and growing team. We have updated their site with a fresh new design utilising some of their fantastic project photography.
Wellington Gardens
Mark Creative | Wellington City Council
A garden of national and historic significance, Wellington Gardens wanted to revamp their site in the lead in to their 150 year celebrations. Working with Wellington creative experts Mark Creative, I build this new site to showcase all that the Gardens has to offer.
Rishworth, Wall & Mathieson
Rishworth Wall & Mathieson
This leading Gisborne law firm has been around since 1978 and this is their first website. I created a simple site with personality - the basics of the firm and solicitors with room to grow.
Pultron Composites
Mechanic Group | Pultron Composites
Working with Pultron's in-house marketing and Auckland agency Mechanic Group I developed this new site to represent Pultron in their global markets
ADS-B Grant Scheme
Mark Creative | CAA
A information site detailing changes to New Zealand's air traffic surveillance system.
Smokey Lemon | Urban Frame
UrbanFrame’s innovative build processes and space-saving designs provide you with durable, good-looking, affordable small homes. The site features a highly customisable house plan configurator...
Pacific Aerials
Intuit Creative
Pacific Aerials has been designing and manufacturing world leading antennas for marine, land and data since 1977.
Working with great designs by creative agency Intuit, I developed a new responsive site which showcases Pacific Aerials comprehensive product line.
Queenstown Airport
One Fat Sheep | Queenstown Airport Corporation
Working with Australasian web agency One Fat Sheep, I redeveloped the Queenstown Airport site, including integration of real-time flight information, flight schedules and live web cams.
Wanaka Airport
One Fat Sheep | Queenstown Airport Corporation
Working with Australasian web agency One Fat Sheep, I developed a new site for Wanaka Airport, showcasing the wide range of services they offer to visitors, in an easy to navigate responsive website.
Cairns Airport
One Fat Sheep | Cairns Airport
Working with Australasian web agency One Fat Sheep, I redeveloped the Cairns Airport website.
Mackay Airport
One Fat Sheep | Cairns Airport
Working with Australasian web agency One Fat Sheep, I developed this site for Mackay Airport - a sister site to Cairns Airport.

Intuit Creative | Fallsafe
The Fallsafe platform system is a new way of approaching residential and commercial construction in New Zealand. A safe working platform that’s an easier, safer and more efficient way to build. I worked with Intuit Creative to bring this new system to the web.
Warbirds over Wanaka
One Fat Sheep | Warbirds over Wanaka
Acclaimed as the largest Warbird Airshow in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the world's top four Warbird airshows, WOW will be celebrating 30 years of operating Airshows in 2018. I developed a new site for Warbirds working with One Fat Sheep and Feast Creative - to provide a hub for visitors, staff and volunteers. You've got to turn on sound for this one!
Santos Coffee
Intuit Creative | Santos Coffee Roasters
Santos Café in Newmarket is the perfect place to enjoy a true artisan roasting experience. This highly crafted website design by Intuit Creative brings the unique Santos flavour to life.
Brooke Fine Foods
Brooke Holdings
A new site for a food importation and distribution company.
Freelance Silverstripe developer
Looking for some help with Silverstripe? I have around twelve years experience with the CMS and regularly do contract development for various web and design agencies around NZ.
I'm quick and efficient, and have a high level of skill with HTML/CSS/JS and various front-end frameworks.
I've been designing/developing for over 20 years and have wide range of experience with different platforms/programming languages and frameworks.
I'm an allrounder, equally at home working with your design team, building front-end code, back-end development or answering client queries. I play well with others and have good working relationships with my key freelance clients.
Get in touch
If you would like to chat about a project, or find out more about what I can do for you, please get in touch: